THE GLUE THAT ENABLES BRIDGES (interpersonal skills)

A training program designed to make effective interpersonal relationships a reality

Does your company show the following symptoms?

•   High numbers of grievance and disciplinary cases
•   Organizational politics
•   Cliques - 'them' and 'us'
•   High staff turnover
•   Low productivity levels

Do you
•   suspect that a lack of interpersonal skills might be a contributing factor to all the symptoms?

If your answer to any of the above is 'Yes', you should consider implementing The Glue that Enables

What is The Glue that Enables Bridges?

It is a three-day training programme that transfers knowledge and skills that, when implemented, lead to effective relationships. The training is highly interactive and uses theoretical input, delivered in a fun and participative way, as well as role-plays.

What is the training content?

•   Defining Interpersonal Skills
•   Identifying the Building Blocks of Effective Interpersonal Skills
•   Identifying the Hurdles to Effective Interpersonal Skills
•   The Interpersonal Skills Triangle
•   Active Listening
•   Giving and Receiving Feedback

During the one-day follow-up session:

•   Assignment review
•   Asking questions

What is the training methodology?

LEMASA uses the following approach when facilitating learning, insights and discovery:

•   'Lectures' and discussions
•   Individual role-plays in a safe environment
•   Personal coaching

Who should attend?

•   Employees
•   Team leaders
•   Supervisors